Moon Dust Latte Anyone?

My only problem with this deliciousness is that I want 8 of them.

My only problem with this deliciousness is that I want 8 of them.

Dear Willpower,

Where are you? Have you moved? You never called me back and I’m starting to get worried that I’ll never see you again! I mean, I’ve been doing the Whole Life Challenge for a few weeks now, and you haven’t responded to any of my desperate sugar-withdrawl texts begging for a visit!!! Seriously, what do I have to do? I had a date with sweet potato fries, went to the movies with a bunch of almonds, and I’ve even been calling really-expensive-cold-brew coffee everyday, but they haven’t seen you either! Please call!

Love, Maria

Dear Maria,

Jesus Christ woman, can’t I have a moment to myself? I know you’re trying to cut out sugar and all other good stuff like pasta and bread, but I AM BUSY! Do you know how many calls I get a day? If I answered everyone of them, I’d never get anything done. To be honest, on the willpower scale, your clean living attempt comes just above the guy trying to not play Words With Friends while having dinner with his girlfriend.

BUT, because I’m a nice guy, I’m going to throw you a bone. Go to Moon Juice in Silver Lake and get a Moon Dust Latte. I know, I know it sounds all hippie dippy, but trust me. It’s cold brew coffee with your choice of a milk (I like pumpkin seed, but there’s also hemp or coconut), then add a little Brain Dust (still with me?) and top it off with some Ghee. The smiling Sean behind the counter then blends the whole thing up into this deliciously amazing sweet drink, AND the ghee helps you from caffeine-crashing in a couple of hours. I know, I know, it’s $6 and you’ll totally wonder HOW you became the type of person who orders anything called a Moon Dust Latte but, what can I say? You’re desperate, it's good and I love you. 

Sincerely, Willpower

This is where the gluten-free, vegan, all-other-good-for-you goodness happens in Silverlake.

This is where the gluten-free, vegan, all-other-good-for-you goodness happens in Silverlake.