You can never eat too much glitter
/Me: Look at this cake I just ate! (shows pic on phone)
BF: It looks just like those shoes you showed me a picture of yesterday.
Me: OH...MY... GOD. (Having epiphany of life-altering proportions)
That’s how trends start folks; in my stomach. Here’s three of my favorite things, all covered in glittery/sequins/sprinkles in some form or another. It’s my version of a gift guide for myself (yay!!).
The Trois Familia Tres Leches Birthday cake just blows my mind. This place just opened in Silverlake, by the hipster trio of Ludo Lefebvre, Jon Shook, and Vinny Dotolo. It’s French and Mexican comfort food, which is a bit of a win/win in any book.
The Taco Sweatshirt by Bow & Drape is like best way to show your love of sequins and food. Potato tacos are my favorite because it’s a carb wrapped in a carb and Trois Familia also does an excellent one.
These shoes by Anniel. If you don’t own any shoes from this Italian brand, you are missing out on what it feels like to wear the shoe equivalent of baby pandas. If you live in Silver Lake, go to Lake Boutique and pick these up, but don’t get the size 40 because they are mine.