My face went to boot camp this week.

Fact: It takes 21 days to form a new habit. When it comes to skincare I fall into the "minimum effort maximum results" category, which is sadly a category that doesn't really exist. Like all things, good skin (unless you're freakishly genetically blessed like Beyonce or, personal fave, Julianne Moore) takes a bit of effort and it's about time I put some elbow grease in!

This past week I had the true treat of meeting Dr. Rosen at the Obagi Skin Health Institute who, after telling me my skin is "not great" because it's oily and sun damaged, proceeded to load me up with goodies that, he promised, would give me good face if I was consistent with it for 6 weeks. It's a lot, and I'm on week one, which is the fun stage where skin starts breaking out in rebellious fits as if saying, "what the hell lady, we were quite happy going to bed with our makeup on occasionally and wearing the same sunscreen since 1987!"

Also, since I have the memory of a goldfish, I had to number each product so I'd remember when to use it (slightly tragic I know). Basically, the goal is to even out skin tone, slough off pore-clogging dead skin, shrink previously-mentioned pores, ditch tiny wrinkles and generally look a bit more like Julianne Moore! Totally realistic. I'll keep you posted but, of all the products the two that I LOVE are the Brightenex because it contains retinol for evening out skin tone and helping your cells to turn over quicker, and the Oclipse which is a daily sunscreen that, thanks to silicones, feels like I'm rubbing whipped cream on my face.  

In a few years I'll probably have to label my whole life like this but for now, just the skincare.

In a few years I'll probably have to label my whole life like this but for now, just the skincare.