Coffee spot #854 in my neighborhood

I want this blinking in my kitchen every morning!

I want this blinking in my kitchen every morning!

H A P P Y M O N D A Y ! I thought Silverlake needed another coffee place like I needed a hole in the head but Alfred Coffee is pretty darn cute. Being a Swede I am genetically predisposed to consume more coffee than almost anybody else in the world (Scandis consume on average 23 pounds of beans a year each....WINNING!) Anyway, back to Alfred, while the mustache thing seems a WEE bit done to me (not shown) the grandma wallpaper, cute verbiage and nutella-stuffed-things-I-should-avoid-but-don't had me at "extra shot americano". Go say hello, they are lovely.

Alfred Coffee 3337 Sunset Blvd, LA 90026 - other locations out and about too