Amateurs Studio: for babes, boys and dogs

Amateurs Studio: for babes, boys and dogs

I feel like the older I get, the more casual I become. Moving from New York to Los Angeles fifteen years ago didn't help, since a lot of the time I'm ensconced in a car, as opposed to on display on the 23rd street subway station waiting for the N train. Sometimes I wonder what my younger Marie Claire-beauty-editor self would have said to my now wiser, and less caring of others opinions, self if told...

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Pops Of Color

Pops Of Color

Is there a better time-wasting tool than the internet? No, no there is not. Take this house (above) for example, it's for sale, it's dreamy and I stared at it for 45 minutes. In that time I moved in, rearranged the furniture and decided that the one thing I'd keep is that amazing pop of color on the wall (I think it's Gary Baseman whom I really enjoy on Instagram).

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Hygge Sunday Vibes

Hygge Sunday Vibes

I’m a Swede, but one of my favorite Scandi words is the Danish one, “hygge." It roughly translates to “taking pleasure from the presence of gentle, soothing things.". If that’s not your bag, then we can’t be friends. Have a little hygge on this mellow day; here’s how I’m doing it.

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Around the World In Stores I Could Live In

Around the World In Stores I Could Live In

I like going into stores. A lot. So much so I owned my own for nine years. That's how much I love stores. If I walk into one that's particularly gorgeous, I'll even pretend I live there...if it's a furniture store I'll pick out which bed I'd sleep on, which dishes I'd use for dinner, which towels in the bathroom.

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